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                                           The phrase "like attracts like" sums up the law of attraction. Our minds are like magnets that attract whatever we give our continued attention to. Everything that comes into our lives is attracted by the thoughts and images we hold in our minds. Our thoughts influence our lives, so whatever we think about most will eventually manifest.

                                           It doesn't matter whether our thoughts are positive, negative or neutral; the law of attraction operates blindly and will respond to them. However, the law of attraction can be strengthened, weakened or postponed by laws of karma and destiny, so not everyone who dreams of winning the lottery or becoming a rock star will achieve success. The law of attraction is currently being exploited as a "get rich quick scheme" or a means of "manifesting your desires".

                                            We always get what we wish for, although usually not as soon as we would like or quite as we expected. Every granted wish must be paid for out of our reserve of merit (good karma); otherwise it will add to our already large karmic debt. This consequence is overlooked by the ignorant advocates of "cosmic ordering" and the like. Yes it works, but it can be compared to spending all your wages in one day when the money needs to last you all month! Make use of the law of attraction by all means, but don't misuse it.

                                            The best way to utilise the law of attraction is to adopt a positive outlook and just allow life to unfold naturally – trust life rather than resisting it. Don't dwell on your past mistakes or worry about what might happen in the future because that will attract negativity into your life. When you are unconcerned about what life deals you, you will probably find that you achieve success effortlessly. The  VEDIC concept of abundance is related to the law of attraction, but the teaching does not come from God. Do they really think that God wants us to become even more materialistic than we already are? Nobody needs anything in abundance (in excess), we only need a sufficient amount – anything more is greedy and wasteful.

                                               The Earth's resources are incapable of providing everyone with an abundant life but they are capable of providing everyone with a sufficient life, so it is up to those who have a lot to share their wealth to those who only have a little.  Remember this: The universe gives you everything you NEED, but you have to pay for everything you WANT!